7 Tips On How To Set Yourself Up For PCOS Success

As many as 5 million women are affected by PCOS. Unfortunately, most of these women have been told that birth control, metformin, or medical intervention is necessary to “fix” their PCOS symptoms. If not, their symptoms may simply become their new normal.


This is NOT the way it has to be. You can naturally fix your PCOS by getting to the root cause. This article will cover how to set yourself up for PCOS success, so you don’t have to suffer any longer than necessary. You can take charge of your health and your PCOS, regardless of what your conventional doctor may have told you.




Consume Protein Forward Meals And Snacks

While carbs are necessary for a well-rounded diet, you don’t want to munch down on only carbs. Consuming more protein into your diet compared to a standard protein diet has been shown to improve weight loss and independently improve glucose metabolism.


Why is this important to PCOS success? Because blood sugar dysregulation, and ultimately insulin resistance, is a common cause of PCOS. By eating protein-forward meals, you begin to stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing and even reversing insulin resistance.

Incorporate More Walking/Resistance Training

Regular and consistent walking and resistance training can improve PCOS symptoms. 

Taking a 10-20 min walk around your neighborhood, specifically, after meals, helps reduce your glucose spikes, helping to prevent elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance. Resistance training can also help increase your body’s sensitivity to insulin.

This is important because, unfortunately, high insulin levels not only lead to insulin resistance but also tell your ovaries to make more testosterone (leading to other PCOS characteristics, like excess androgens).

Track Your Menstrual Cycle

If you have PCOS or experience PCOS symptoms, tracking your cycle can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself to achieve PCOS success. If you have PCOS, a common symptom is irregular periods and ovulation. By monitoring your cervical mucus, and basal body temperature (BBT) you can gain insight of when and if you are ovulating. Knowing this provides you and your provider clues on what’s occurring in your body on a hormonal level and can even help you during your PCOS fertility journey.

The easiest way to track your cycle is using Tempdrop. I personally use this wearable thermometer and love it. This device allows you to track your cycle more accurately and conveniently. It’s a win-win! If you have PCOS, I highly recommend investing in Tempdrop.


Find A Support System (We Got You On This, Girl)

One major key to achieving PCOS success and finding lasting relief is having a genuine support system. As you may already know, you’re going to experience many ups and downs along your PCOS journey. But what’s the most frustrating is not having people, whether that’s loved ones or even your conventional doctor, understand what you are going through and empathize with you. The physical and emotional toll that PCOS can have on your body is a struggle that most don’t understand.

Having a provider that truly hears you and knows what it’s personally like to struggle with PCOS is GOLD.

I used to be where you are now. Through my own PCOS journey and the extensive additional research, I now know how to best support women with PCOS physically, mentally, and emotionally. That’s why my heart bursts with happiness to hear so many PCOS success stories from my clients. I don’t dismiss symptoms - I investigate them! If you need support, guidance, and community, I would love to have you join my course + community, THE PCOS COLLECTIVE, to get the support you need.


Consider Targeted Supplements For PCOS

Targeted PCOS supplements can help you address the root cause of your PCOS. This is key because you don’t want to be covering up symptoms with medications. With targeted supplements, you can support your body on a cellular level and reduce your risk of side effects (which is common with birth control or other widely used PCOS medications).

*Choosing high-quality supplements is the best way you can ensure PCOS success and actually experience results. Shop our supplement store, PCOS DOC SHOP, packed with science-backed, PCOS supplements. Some of our top sellers:

  • Inositol capsules or Ovasitol: Increases insulin sensitivity and improves ovulation while having few side effects, helps to balance androgen levels, improves sleep and much more.

  • Glucose Support: Reduces inflammation, alleviates insulin resistance, reduces the level of serum androgen, and regulates lipid metabolism.

  • Super Omega: Reduces PCOS symptoms by improving triglycerides and insulin levels, lowering inflammation and blood pressure

  • Magnesium: Needed for blood glucose control, hormone regulation, and protein synthesis. The MOST COMMON mineral deficiency in the world is magnesium.

  • Androgen Balance: combats the potent form of testosterone (DHT), which contributes to embarrassing oily skin, acne, male pattern hair loss, and excess body hair.


Quality Sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep! While it may seem like no big deal to lie in bed, scrolling through social media and Tik Tok until 1 am, it truly is a big deal. Poor sleep quality is associated with an increased risk of obesity and insulin resistance which plays a key role in PCOS. It’s vital to help your body get as much quality sleep as possible!

Prioritize your sleep hygiene to support PCOS symptoms. Get to bed before 10 pm, balance your blood sugar, consider taking a magnesium supplement, reduce screen time before bed, take an evening walk during sunset, avoid caffeine, especially in the afternoon, and use dim lighting after dinnertime.

Join The PCOS Collective Program NOW!

If you want to experience PCOS success and are ready to take control of your health, this program is without a doubt the best option available. You will gain the clarity and confidence you need to thrive with PCOS. With the PCOS Collective, you’ll receive exclusive access to 8 modules of course material, meal plans and proven exercise plans, and a private group for accountability through our Facebook page.

You don’t have to suffer from PCOS forever, and you don’t have to go through your healing journey alone.